Monday, August 18, 2008

day 1: strategery

if you're flying in and out of airports and trying to lose weight or stay in shape, you can pretty much forget about it. seriously

corporate america has weeded out our airport dining options to just the few heart-stopper restaurants. today's winner at SJ airport was starbucks, cinnabon, cpk, and a local brewery. despite extreme craving for a dark beer at 11 in the morning, the criticism and sarcasms i've received thus far fueled my motivation. i ended up chowing down on a bbq chicken salad i found in the corner fridge at cpk.

as i sit on the plane now, after refusing a bag of meager peanuts and drinks from the stewardess, i'm beginning to realize the 10-day feat ahead of me is daunting without some strategery.

here are the addictions i must quit and the lifestyle i must abide by for a chance to see me benjamins.

1. alcohol: this is by far my greatest weakness. those who know me prolly can't recall the last time i've refused a drink, including times when i've been hung over. i don't think this was built in my dna.
2. coffee: i drink 2 - 3 cups of sugar-saturated coffee a day to stay awake. i can't tell if it's the sugar or the caffeine that keeps me awake. for those cafe aficionados, u may know the drink as caramel machiato. yes, i think i have a permanent case of mono. this is the only thing (besides alcohol) that keeps me awake most of my sober life. i can only drink water for the next 10 days
3. steak and extreme fatty-marbled meat: few of us these days eat to live anymore so it's not surprising that i live to eat. my choice is fatty-red meat. no more! i'm going lean turkey and fish! alright ... chicken is fine too
4. smoking: i must pick up smoking. smoking curbs your appetite and keeps u slim. likewise, if i fail miserably, at least i can look cool puffing me O-rings on the treadmill
5. cardio: this is a no-brainer. if u haven't deducted this by now from looking at my picture, then ... (shoot, can't think of a punch line)
6. large muscle group workouts: along with cardio, working large muscle groups will burn fat faster. this includes legs, chest, and back workout routines
7. abs: i must eat, sh*t, work and sleep ab crunches!
8. sleep: sleep is vital to muscle recovery and calory burning. ok, i made that up. but i do know that getting sleep from the hours of 11pm to 2am is the most important to stay alert, energized and focused during the day. ok, i made this one up too. fact is, i love to sleep and can't live without it
9. eat: i have to continuously eat. despite how screwed up this may sound, when a body is in starvation, it stores more fat and burns muscle.

according to larry, our resident 6 pack expert (have u seen his pictures? he deserves this title) i'll need to "run 3 hours a day, do 1000 crunches a day and eat absolutely 0 carbs for 10 days"

ok, if you've read this far, i gotta be honest with you, i was kidding about number four above. that's prolly the only thing i have going for me - not being a smoker.

here is today's intake:
breakfast: bbq chicken salad, 1/2 portion of dressing (697 calories)
lunch: chipotle southwest chicken salad, 1/2 portion of dressing (estimate 700 calories)
dinner (late night): lean cuisine spagetti and meatball (290 calories)

total calories: 1,687 (not bad)

30 min running
111 mixed ab exercises
30 squats
mis. light weights

2:30am - 8am = 5.5 hours

calorie-wise, i think i did pretty well but i'm constantly feeling hungry. is this natural?


.......... said...

i'm so proud of you and will!

quicklymilktea said...

You can't eat like need to eat 5-6 meals a day of 200-300 calories each, which are low carb and high protein.

If you go with 3 meals a day, you're going to be unbearably hungry between meals and your metabolism will slow down too.

Use this for guidance:

jonjon said...

hey, cool! ... thanks for the advice!!! ... u rock!

edfu said...

dude man,
alchohol is fine
just drink whiskey instead of beer
1 glass of whiskey = 60 calories approx.
very efficient

edfu said...

oh another good way to eat less if you're having trouble with the calories
is to eat slow
fullness doesn't kick in until a bit later

oh btw, I've lost 22lbs since i was in taiwan. still have a slight gut though.