Friday, August 22, 2008

day 5

flying back from the east coast today, i gained 3 hours ... so it's only natural that i consumed more snacks on the plane to keep myself from starving (hence prevents binge eating) ... unfortunately, it backfired and i ended up snacking quite frequently and my calorie count ended up higher than i had expected ...

Today's intake
Pre-workout snack 1: banana (62 calories)
Breakfast: 3 eggs (240 calories), 1/2 bacon (100 calories), Mellon/cantelope (75 calories), 1/2 OJ (24 calories)
Snack 2: beef jerky (45 calories)
Lunch: crabcake sandwich (~300 calories?), steamed veggies (~80 calories?), mash potatoes (190 calories)
Snack 3: banana (62 calories)
Snack 4: high protein PB cereal bar (140 calories)
Snack 5: beef jerky (200 calories)
Snack 6: high protein PB cereal bar (140 calories)
dinner: sirloin filet (250 calories); spinach/arugula/olive salad (50 calories); shake (1 cup soy milk, 2 strawberries, 1/2 banana) (140 calories)

total: 2,098 calories (ok, a little more than i had hoped)

Morning workout 30 min cardio on treadmill
10 min stretch

Evening workout
none, 24 hr fitness was closed! damn it!

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

shiaopeaches said...

how can 24hr fitness be closed??? get your money back! hahaha :D good luck!